The Winery

The winery, Dominio de Longaz, is located in the Cariñera Protected Designation of Origin, very close to Zaragoza, in the region of Aragón.

Our goal is to make unique wines, with a personality all of their own, merging tradition and experience with the most advanced technologies.


The winery building is Aragonese-style, built with rustic exposed brick and large over-hanging eaves.

Our wine-making facilities are modern, since our goal of producing unique wines that reflect our land requires the merging of tradition with technology and innovation.

Our production warehouse has a capacity for more than 700,000 litres, where we apply different wine-making techniques to each of the wines.

For the barrels, we always use French Allier oak, with various levels of toasting and different cooperage techniques, to blend the different aromatic profiles contributed by each barrel.

Our Harvest

We decide the optimal moment for the harvest based on regular controls of the ripeness of each plot.

The grape harvest is carried out manually in 15 kg boxes for high-quality wines, or mechanically for the rest, always at night, when temperatures are milder, which reduces oxidation and helps keep all their sensory potential intact.

This low-temperature harvest yields more complex and fruity wines.

The Vineyard
70 hectares in the area of La Pardina   /  Ideal soil for the ripening of the grapes


Our Wine
Cariñena Designation of Origin

Longaz Garnacha”

Garnacha young wine from our own vineyards.

Dominio de Longaz”

Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah aged in French Allier oak barrels.


Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah aged in French Allier oak barrels with manual harvesting in 15 kg boxes.

Visit us and you’ll discover a privileged location just 30 minutes from Zaragoza, in the foothills of the Sierra de Algairén mountain range.

We will show you the character of our wines and you’ll be able to visit our vineyards, located next to the winery.

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We offer companies and professionals the chance to use our facilities for meetings, presentations or business lunches.

We guarantee the success of your event.

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Celebrate your wedding, communion, christening and that special event in a location that is unique, different and exclusive.

We can adapt to any needs that may arise.

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Daily log Journal
Find information, tips and curious facts about Dominio de Longaz

A visit from students of the Hotel/Catering School of Miralbueno

We received a visit from a group of students of the Hotel/Catering School of Miralbueno, who were accompanied by Carlos Orgaz, a teacher at the School and President of the Aragón Association of Maîtres d’. Other students from medium/high-level wine-growing and wine-making courses from the Cariñena Institute also participated in the visit

After touring our facilities to learn about our production techniques, we went out to the vineyard, where students were able to learn the art of pruning thanks to our field staff and Cariñena winemakers.
The training day came to an end with a picnic lunch.

1st Workshop of the Aragonese Golf Federation and Sponsors’ Club

The event was attended by the 24 members of the Sponsors’ Club, and by the Managers of different areas of the FAG.

Training of hotel/catering staff from the Astún ski resort

The hotel/catering staff of the Astún ski resort received training at the facilities of Dominio de Longaz.

The professionals who serve in the restaurants and terraces of the ski resort received a course on wine, learning how the winery works and how wine is made, the terminology surrounding wine tasting, the correct way to serve wine, whether it is still or sparkling… all these points were covered in the training given to the hotel/catering staff, who are more than familiar with the products consumed in Astún.

The Vine
in the Cariñera Protected Designation of Origin

At the end of the sixth millennium BC, the vine was already known in Asia Minor, its expansion through the Mediterranean being a slow process. Most probably it was the Greeks who brought the vine to the Ebro valley, in the Celtiberian site of Segueda in the municipality of Mara, in Aragón. Discovery of the oldest Wine press in Europe.

The origin of the Aragonese vineyards of today dates back to Roman times, in the so-called ‘Celtiberian’ region, where the Roman town of CARAE, today Cariñena, was located. The inhabitants were known to drink wine mixed with honey back in the third century BC.

Cariñena received the title of CITY from King Alfonso XIII in 1909, in gratitude to Cariñera winegrowers for their work against the phylloxera plague, which devastated all of Europe’s vineyards at the end of the 19th century.

Cariñena is Aragón’s oldest Designation of Origin and one of the oldest in Spain, dating back to 1932. Located in the heart of the Ebro Valley, it covers an area of just over 14,000 hectares of vineyards, spread over 14 municipalities.

With regard to the grape varieties that are grown there, we must mention a red grape variety called Cariñena, which is indicative of the long wine-making tradition of the area.

The Cariñena countryside is a plain enclosed on the southwest by the Sierra de Algairén, in the foothills of the Iberian System, so the soil has been formed by the deposits of materials that have come down to the plain from the mountains, and it is these materials that determine the type of soil.

Thus, the Cariñena plain, home to 80% of the vineyards, is made up of mostly very stony clay soils, called ‘CASCAJO’ (gravel) in this region. This type of soil retains moisture and, in addition, given the large amount of stone present, is ideal for the ripening of the grapes.

The climate is continental, with cold winters and hot summers. Rainfall is scarce, around 350-400 mm per year. Another characteristic feature of the land is the North-westerly wind called ‘cierzo’, which contributes to the dryness of the area and blows especially from January to March.

All these qualities combine to give Cariñena everything it takes to produce special wines.


Partida la Pardina, Camino Virgen de Lagunas, s/n,
50400 Cariñena, Zaragoza

976 91 52 67

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