The Vineyard

We have 70 hectares of vineyards, in a marked section of land (pagus), located next to the winery, in the area of La Pardina.

Located in the foothills of the Sierra de Algairén mountains, at an altitude of 550 metres, the soil is made up of clays and is very stony, called “cascajo” (gravel) in this area. This type of soil retains moisture and, in addition, given the large amount of stone present, is ideal for the ripening of the grapes.


Selection of Grape Varieties

The climate is continental, with extreme contrasts in temperature and low rainfall.

Our wine-growing techniques are respectful of the environment and are always aimed at obtaining high-quality grapes, since our philosophy is that the wine is made on the vine.

All these qualities provide Dominio de Longaz with the ideal conditions to produce special wines.

Our grapes up close…

Cabernet Grape Varieties –

Ca abernet-Sauvignon is a red grape variety of French origin and the queen of international wine-growing. It boasts excellent agronomic and wine-making behaviour, the grape being very select and fully adapted to our climate.

It is characterised by its dense and aristocratic tannins, its deep colour, complex fruity aromas, elegant structure and suitability for ageing.

The bunches are cylindrical-conical, with intense, full colour, and are tannic in their youth but, when they open up, they develop an unmistakable range of floral aromas (violet, rose), fruit (blueberries, blackcurrants, raspberries, blackberries) and vegetables (green pepper, unroasted coffee).

The fruit is small, round, with thick hard skin and a deep black colour. Its pulp is firm, crunchy, with an astringent flavour and a peculiar taste.

Its powerful tannins and striking acidity yield hard wines in their youth with great ageing potential, austere, tannic and highly coloured, which offer a magnificent pairing when combined with other varieties. The dark red colour with violet hues of its youth, evolves into a deep brick red upon ripening. Initially, the bouquet is of violets and berries, and it is harsh on the palate due to its abundant tannins. This grape is ideal for Crianza wines.

Garnacha Grape Varieties

Characteristics of the Leaf: Medium-sized pentagonal leaf, trilobed and with indentations barely marked. The front of the leaf is dark green and the back offers a characteristic smooth bare surface.

Bunch and fruit: Medium-sized bunch, conical and short, sometimes with two wings of equal size and generally very compact. Medium-sized fruit, a dark purple red colour.

Other ampelographic characteristics: Average sprouting and ripening. It is prone to millerandage and is sensitive to botrytis and mildew.

Agronomic characteristics:

  • Weight Bunches: 2.7 kg/vine
  • Alcohol content: : 14.9º
  • Acidity: : 5.7 g/l
  • Pruned Wood Weight: 880 g/vine

Type of wine: Alcoholic wines, of a garnet colour. The wine has a fine sweet bouquet, with notes of ripe red fruit and flowers. Its acidity ranges from medium to high. In general, it is richer in anthocyanins than in tannins, so it can yield a flabby wine lacking in structure. Used for the production of young aromatic red wines. It is usually mixed with others to produce aged wines. In certain areas, it is mainly used to make rosé wines.

Merlot Grape Varieties

Merlot wines originate in the Bordeaux region, where this variety is most widely grown
It has become an international variety, the second most sought after red grape variety after Cabernet Sauvignon. Used mostly as an improver variety for racking, to provide smoothness and balance.
The Merlot grape has adapted well to the Mediterranean climate.

It is a productive variety, which is initially dry. The merlot bunch is cylindrical, small and not very dense. The fruit is small, with a shiny skin, sweet pulp and a blue-black colour.
Merlot wine is characterised by its finesse and smoothness. It produces very aromatic, fine and meaty wines. The wine is a very intense ruby red colour, with medium alcohol content, and ages quickly without losing quality. It works well for racking with Garnacha for young wines, and Cabernet Sauvignon, Bobal or Tempranillo for Crianza wines, and has the virtue of rounding off the wines and accelerating their ageing process.

Syrah Grape Varieties

Red grape variety native to the Rhone Valley, which yields excellent results in areas with a lot of sun and high temperatures. Widely spread in Australia and California.

Also known as Shiraz.

It is usually mixed with other varieties such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Garnacha, Merlot or Tempranillo.

It grows well on granitic, clay and even clay-calcareous soils.

This variety can be grown easily. It requires a lot of sun and high temperatures. It is resistant to diseases. However, it is a low-yielding variety.

Its leaves are medium-sized, pentagon shape, with very marked lateral indentations, sometimes having seven lobes.
Its bunch is medium-sized, cylindrical and compact in shape. The fruit is small, oval-shaped and a bluish colour. Its skin is of medium thickness, with a juicy pulp.

Syrah wine is a friendly and tasty wine; the grape yields opulent, vigorous, full-bodied reds, high in tannins and colouring particles, with a deep bouquet of wild fruits and violets, light smoky hints and a great capacity for ageing. The colour is intense, refined, solid and austere; spicy and with remarkable acidity.

Tempranillo Grape Varieties

Also called Cencibel, this is the “main” Spanish red grape and the most prestigious for its quality throughout Spain.

Also known as Ull de Llebre (Eye of Hare), Tinto de Toro, Tinto Fino, Tinto del País, Jacibera and Verdiell.

An early-ripening grape that is very sensitive to pests and diseases, and has low resistance to drought and high temperatures.

The grapes come in medium-sized bunches, compact and regular, with grapes of medium-thick skin and soft pulp, its juice being colourless, balanced in sugar, colour and acidity.

Direct and honest on the palate, becoming velvety as it ages. Its wines are a characteristic ruby red colour, very fruity, with hints of blackberry. Very suitable for ageing in oak barrels and bottles, due to its low oxidation level.


Partida la Pardina, Camino Virgen de Lagunas, s/n,
50400 Cariñena, Zaragoza

976 91 52 67

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